Is my information kept confidential online?
Alison cannot guarantee any privacy for accessing this website. However, you are more than welcome to contact the office via the submit form; or telephone and we will confidentially return your call/email from there.
How do I get in touch with the office?
Please call us (855) 445-1649 during usual business hours of 9-4pm Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, we are typically only by appointment only.
Are you giving me advice on this website?
Alison can only provide advice to a person who retains her formally and there is never any legal advice provided by this website or its content. Alison is required to indicate this as per the Law Society of Upper Canada By-Laws.
Does M Barristers accept Legal Aid?
M Barristers has proudly accepted Legal Aid Ontario since Alison was Called to the Bar in July 2004. She is empanelled as a member on the family law, child protection, criminal, extremely serious criminal matters, Gladue, consent & capacity, and domestic violence panels.
Who else works on my file?
As Alison is a sole practitioner and often in court, there will always be legal assistants, students or law clerks working on your file. Alison oversees all work completed by members of her team but be patient and understanding that, at times, Alison cannot answer…
Why is Alison the “pink” lawyer?
A visit to the office will quickly tell you why! Look for the hot pink signs and a coming-soon pink office door!
Help! I’m terrified of court.
Alison brings over 15 years litigation experience to your file and life. The office will be aggressive but make every effort to keep you updated, apprised, and understanding each step of the case. Alison can be reached by email 24-7 365 days a year and will endeavour to respond in a timely manner.